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Climate Research

Climate Change

Many climate scientists agree that over the past century, global warming is associated with the buildup of human-induced greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In recent decades, significant progresses have been made in understanding various feedback mechanism of the climate system and in projecting the future climate change. METRI has made tremendous efforts to produce enhanced future climate scenarios using various atmosphere-ocean coupled models.

  • Climate Change
    • Observed and simulated time series of annual
      mean surface air temperature anomalies
Predicting Seasonal Climate

METRI has carried out various analyses of observational data and climate modeling to improve seasonal climate prediction skills. They include studies on intra-and interseasonal variability of , ENSO, AO, Asian monsoon, etc. METRI has provided the information on seasonal climate prediction using METRI climate prediction system. Since March 2006, monthly prediction data provided to various operational divisions under KMA.

Predicting Seasonal Climate